Selasa, 27 Desember 2011

RSBI which is the beginning of the SBI, it should get more attention today. As we know RSBI now have mushroomed in Indonesia. It is also worth questioning we have prepared us to implement this program or just a trend RSBI school to make it look fancy. RSBI to be rethought is the most important quality not quantity, when it acquired the education in Indonesia would be developed with the support of all parties

Di tulis Oleh : Dr. Marsigit M.A.

Concluding Remark


As we all know math realistic emphasis on the construction of the context of concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical concepts. Surrounding objects can be used as a context for learning mathematics in constructing entanglement social interaction. By using objects that exist in the environment around the student will be quick to grasp concepts and learning of mathematics and apply them directly in life. Like learning fractions for junior high school students, students can use the model to illustrate fractions. In addition students are also more creative and innovative  because they will try other alternatives to solve the problem. The concept of fractions that they can be through direct practice is usually easy  remember because there is interest or pride if students can solve the problem. Here the teacher only as a facilitator, so that there was an enjoyable class because the teacher does not tell students about the learning materials. But it gives students to express and explore its full potential. Teachers also must develop a curriculum and syllabus actively linked with the real world, both physically and socially. Such learning is not only for material fractions alone but for all materials that are customized to the needs in real life. So that in science can be applied directly in live.

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