Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Pengembangan Blog sebagai Portofolio Digital Untuk Peningkatan Daya Matematika

Oleh : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.

Concluding Remark

NIM : 10305144043

Learning mathematics as we know are learning less enjoyable, too monotonous and low absorptive capacity of the students. to resolve the issue of innovation is required to make math interesting and there is interaction between students and teachers. One of them through blogs because blogs consist of components:
1. The main areas of the blog that contains articles (travel records) are arranged in chronological order
2. The articles are written beforehand
3. Feature for visitors to write comments
4. Listing / links to other web
5. Service in RSS
With the innovation is expected learning becomes interesting and not monotonous, so that student performance can be achieved. The use of blogs for learning can be achieved because existing facilities are adequate in the sense like the availability of computers, availability of connections and access the blog interface.

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